Sunday is the day when you awake (or maybe just stay awake) and are unsure about, well, everything. It is the morning you sit up in bed and realize you had pajama pants on when you climbed in, but you woke up without them (or your underwear) on, and you have no idea how that… Continue reading Convention Report: CoreCon V – Sunday
Category: Uncategorized
Convention Report: CoreCon V – Saturday
Ah. Saturday. The meat and potatoes day of any three day convention. We stumbled around bleary-eyed until I left to go man the dealers table, letting everyone else catch up and wake up at their own pace. In the dealers room we were all tired and dragging, but still cheerful and ready to commit commerce.… Continue reading Convention Report: CoreCon V – Saturday
Convention Report: CoreCon V – Friday
Some of you might have heard me mention at some point, perhaps once or twice, that I was to be the Author Special Guest at CoreCon in Moorhead, MN. That happened this past weekend. Thursday night was packing night. We packed up our clothes, some food, my stock of books, a costume for my wife… Continue reading Convention Report: CoreCon V – Friday
A Few Things On A May Day Morning
On Thursday the 2nd of May, my short piece “The Sixth Son” will air sometime around 7:00am on The Morning Blend on KFAI FM 90.3 Minneapolis and 106.7 St. Paul. This little tale is a riff on and gentle poke at fantasy tropes. I have two short stories—”Darkly Through the Light Waters” and “Rainfall”— appearing… Continue reading A Few Things On A May Day Morning
April is National Poetry Month #4
How softly decay sets in making their love a quiet thing – longed for touches glances over coffee. The years have made them wise. Familiar selves and routine days replace the burning agony of passionate youth. Now, they wish to turn to each other weeping, clinging – desperate to hold to keep the chill away.… Continue reading April is National Poetry Month #4
CoreCon Schedule.
This appears to be my schedule at CoreCon V, May 3-5, 2013at the Days Inn of Moorhead. As always, things are subject to last minute change. Friday Opening Ceremonies – 3:00 pm –Woods Room. Artemis Panel – 5:00 pm – Woods Room. A demo of the Artemis bridge simulator. I will be on the crew.… Continue reading CoreCon Schedule.
Teaser Tuesday: The Curious Case of the Jeweled Alicorn
He leaned into the young woman, gently caressing her cheek with the barest feather-light touch of his fingertips. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, her tongue darting out to moisten lips parted for his kiss. “Dear Contessa Moretti,” Arkady Bloom whispered, placing his other hand on her hip, the soft fabric of… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday: The Curious Case of the Jeweled Alicorn
CoreCon is Coming…
…and it might still be Winter when it gets here. Anyway… Just a reminder that I will be the Author Special Guest at CoreCon V at the Days Inn of Moorhead on May 3-5, 2013. CoreCon is a science fiction, fantasy, horror and anime convention and it looks like a bundle of fun. Other Special… Continue reading CoreCon is Coming…
April is National Poetry Month #3
Ask me no more, for fear I should reply; Others have held their tongues, and so can I; Hundreds have died, and told no tale before: Ask me no more, for fear I should reply — How one was true and one was clean of stain And one was braver than the heavens are high,… Continue reading April is National Poetry Month #3
Caturday Marketing
It is Caturday, and Mr. Belyn would like to know if you have read his human’s books? Every time you buy one of his human’s books, Mr. Belyn gets a treat, and he thinks that is the Greatest Thing Ever!