In today’s adventures with Belyn and Llyr, Llyr was half-asleep in the cat bed in front of the patio door when the Butler-The-Neighbor-Cat ambled up to the screen door. Spotting the large, strange cat, Lly startles, jumps from the bed, runs a few feet away before turning and (unimpressively) puffing up and making a squeaky little noise between a growl and a meow. He sounded more startled and frightened than ready to fight.
This, however, woke up Belyn, who was sleeping next to me on the couch. Belyn jumped across the room, landing between Llyr and Butler, went all (rather impressively) Halloween Cat, and made a noise like an angry Harley Davison powered by a nuclear reactor before slamming into the screen with both his front paws, claws extended, still growling and hissing.
Butler fled like shot.
Belyn and Llyr are now on the couch with me. Belyn spent several minutes aggressively grooming his kitten before they both went to sleep next to me.
It’s funny, because they were wrestling earlier and Llyr was all over Belyn, tackling him, knocking him over, chasing him around, but when the strange cat showed up, it was all Belyn.