Here we are in February and this is my first post of the year on my poor neglected blog.
I opted to skip the annual year in review post. 2014 was mixed bag.
I had a reasonably okay year as a stage storyteller with good shows at Minnesota Fringe and as a quest of the Rockstar Storytellers.
As a fiction writer it was a tough year. There were disappointments and rough patches, enough that I realized I need to change the way I do certain things, which I am changing. The only reason I don’t count the year as a complete disaster is that I managed to finish the first draft of novel that challenged me as a writer.
I started dipping my toes into play and script writing, which has been an interesting experience and one I intended to pursue. My sparse, dialogue driven writing style lends itself to script writing quite well.
So yeah, kind of a downer post for kind of a downer year.
And yet, I move into 2015 enthusiastic and hopeful that I can turn that bad year around with effort and focus.