Oh, how long it has been since I posted a blog update. I’ve been pretty active over on my Facebook page, but my poor neglected blog…I can only blame it on the dark and cold winter that has roared in and settled on Minnesota.
Things have been going on. I ran the merchandise table for the latest Minnspec Showcase reading, spent a lovely weekend in Duluth with Beloved Spouse, and have unfortunately fallen ill, missing a full week at my day job.
The one positive to being stuck home is that I’ve managed to jumps start working on Ghosts of the Places You Live. Lots of writing managed this week and I’ve pretty much got the third and final section outlined, so hopefully even with heading back to work and heading into the winter holidays, I will be able to keep some momentum going. I would also like to take this moment to give a shout out the “You Know You’re From Oney When…” community on Facebook. I have gotten all kinds of valuable information from the kind folks there.
Tomorrow night, I will guest storyteller with the Rockstar Storytellers at the new Phoenix Theater. I am planning to tell a story about one of the nameless Nazgul. I am pretty pleased with it and I might try to record and upload the story after the performance. I’ve been thinking that I need to get a good microphone and learn to use audio software so I can make recordings of readings and stories.
Word Meter Ahoy!
Ghosts Of the Places We Live