Another not very good week for working on the novel. I need to figure out some kind of writing schedule, but my personal life seems to be in such a constant state of changing gears that I can’t find stability in the chaos to work. I’m too tired after work. Weekends are always packed. My two days off seem to evaporate in housework and daily minutia.
It’s starting to drive me a little nuts. I get a little nuts when I’m not writing. Maybe more than a little nuts.
Went to the Pratt Community Ice Cream Social last Friday. I did not climb the Witch’s Tower water tower, instead hanging out in the park while the rest of my crew climbed up to the observation deck. I found myself having interesting conversation with charming strangers who would come and share the picnic table I was at. Saturday we the first production meeting for the Minnesota Fringe Festival show I’m going to be in this year. We are rolling along, and I expect we shall have a read-through of our stories pretty soon.
1. 1700 words written.
2. Went back and added to a couple of scenes in the 1979 section.
Ghosts Of the Places We Live