Ghosts of the Places We Live Update #15

So. Minnesota Fringe Festival. That’s a thing I’m going to be in again this year. The “Invisible People” show I’m part of came in off the waitlist. “Invisible People” as in people other people like to pretend don’t exist. Like, you know, gimps like me. I am thrilled and a little scared.

My acoustic bass has picked up a nasty buzzing noise. I’m going to have to get it looked at by a real luthier, when I have some spare cash. In the meantime, I’ll get the electric bass back out of the closet.

Finished reading the entire Randell Garrett “Lord Darcy” set of stories and novel. Enjoyed it a lot. Also went to see Walking Shadow Theatre Company’s adaptation of The Three Muskateers. It was great rollicking fun and still has a week left in the run. Go see it!

Not much writing this week. A little over 1000 words. I can remember a time when I wrote that many words in a day. Still, forward movement is forward movement.

1. Wrote 1100 words
2. Made a 1920s music playlist
3. Worked on the notes I collected from the Oney Facebook Community.
4. Outlined most of the rest of the 1929 section.
Ghosts Of the Places We Live