Ghosts of the Places We Live Update #13

This week was a strange and odd week for writing. I didn’t get as much done as I thought I might, since I decided to go on the spring camping trip a friend of mine organizes. It was the first camping trip I’d been on in about 10 years, and I had a really good time. I even wrote at the camp! Yeah, things are moving slowly, perhaps too slowly, but I don’t care. The project will get done when the project gets done, and I refuse to hurry the process.

It’s not like I’m under contract and have a looming deadline, after all. If I want to take an entire year to write the first draft, that’s my business. I have other project in the pipeline, things in the beta-process-heading-to-writers-group-soon-I-hope stuff. Plus, I’m about to take on another anthology project for MinnSpec.

1. Wrote about 1750 words.
2. Made about 800 words worth of notes and outlining.
3. Thought reallyreally hard about…stuff…
Ghosts Of the Places We Live