Ghosts of the Places We Live Update #9

More forward momentum. I’m still on track to be done with the 1979 section before April is over. Personal life has caused a bit of a slow-down and will continue to do so, but I am hopeful things have stabilized.

In the story itself, things are about to fall apart for the protagonists. Once I’m done here I plan to step back and write the 1929 section, which should be the shortest. I’m hoping the 1999 section will go quickly, since I will have it pretty much outlined to the finish of the first draft and have some developmental notes about what needs to be added for some character development.

1. About 2250 words written
2. More notes for the 1929 and 1999 sections
3. 1979 section outline complete. I just need to write it
4. Worked on some maps of Oney in 1979 based on my memory
5. Stated working on a map of Oney in 1929 based on a 1915 map and information in the community history book.
6. Drop a couple of songs from the playlist. Added a couple to the playlist.

Ghosts Of the Places We Live