Ghosts of the Places We Live Update #5 With Bonus MarsCon Thoughts

Not much movement on the novel this week. Between Day Job, convention prep, and MarsCon itself, I didn’t have a lot of time to work, though I did manage to get some words in the wee small hours and in between stuff at the convention. I refuse to beat myself up over this.

I had a really nice MarsCon, so much so that it is starting to feel more of home for me than any other Minneapolis convention, of which there are many fine ones. There were some hiccups and a slightly rocky start and apparently a short dust up with the Big Game Hunters (the other event in the hotel that weekend), but my panels were all great, I sold a few books, and I was a guest of the fabulous Rockstar Storytellers, something I had wanted to do for a couple of years.

Don’t expect too much from me next week either, as Day Job is keeping me busy and I’m heading to Paganicon to play local author and teach a storytelling workshop. Plus, today I realized some stuff I thought was done is actually in need of major reworking, mostly because I figured out how that section story really ends.

Progress this week:
1. Wrote a couple thousand words.

2. Figured out a major tangle in the finale of the year 1979 section.

3. Came to a decision concerning the relationship status of three of the characters in the year 1979 section.

4. Made notes for the year 1936 section.

5. All these above led me to a necessary scene in the year 2000 section.

6. Added a couple of songs to the playlist. Cut a couple of songs from the playlist.
Ghosts Of the Places We Live