
I have my Diversicon Schedule. Come to the convention and say hello!


8:30-9:25 PM – Main Stage (Soo Line)
Panel: Can’t Rip a Chainmail Bodice: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and/or Feminist Romance: Romance has long had a foothold in SF/F as a subplot. Now the popularity of paranormal and urban fantasy, as well as science fiction romance, seem to be assuring it a place of primacy in the genre. On the other hand, often romances follow very traditional patriarchal rules, even when fairly feminist individuals are writing. What does a feminist romantic storyline look like? How can writers who like to think of themselves as feminist avoid falling back on the old standbys?
Catherine Lundoff, mod.; S.N. Arly, Rachel Gold, Axel Kohagen, Michael Merriam


2:00-2:55 PM – Krushenko Annex (Northern Pacific)
Panel: This Was So Awesome When I Was A Kid: Some things that we loved in childhood, hold up over time and some don’t. Which spec fic books, comics, TV shows, and movies hold up well now that we’ve grown up? Which ones are best left as happy memories? What might help something endure? What things are hot now that will be regrettable when viewed in 20 or 30 years?
Rob Callahan, mod.;Ruth Berman, Michael Merriam,Tyler Tork

5:00-5:30 PM – Railroad Lobby
Massive Autographing: Jack McDevitt, Roy C. Booth, Catherine Lundoff, Aimee Kuzenski, Michael Merriam, Ka Vang


11:00-11:55 AM – Krushenko’s (Room 101)
Panel: Command and Distaff: Women’s Roles in Military Sci-Fi/Fantasy: Discussion of women’s roles from Marion Zimmer Bradley’s “Sword and Sorceress” series and David Weber’s Honor Harrington series to what’s current on the market today. “Distaff” is women’s work/domain, literally it’s the staff that holds flax while spinning.
Aimee Kuzenski, mod.; Tessa Johnstone Carlson, Kimbereley Long-Ewing, Michael Merriam