Jack filled out a series of forms, and an orderly wheeled him into one of the many identical rooms upstairs. He was settled on the bed, poked with an IV, and left alone. He had the room to himself and was considering turning on the television hanging from the wall when William Saskey appeared, sitting in the lone chair in the corner of the room.
“Estonko,” Will said in his native Creek, asking Jack how he was doing.
“The hell!” Jack sat up.
“Jack, you know that’s not what you’re supposed to say.” Will Saskey laughed; a deep, full laugh that Jack was comfortably familiar with. Will would laugh at any situation, no matter how serious. “You know the ritual greeting. I say Estonko and you say—”
“You’re dead,” Jack interrupted.
Will’s brow furled in mock concentration. “Did the ritual change while I was gone?”
“I’m talking to a dead man,” Jack muttered.
“Yeah, so?” Will replied, his brown eyes dancing with unconcealed mirth.
“This isn’t right.” Jack reached for the call button to the nurse’s desk.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Will said, suddenly serious. “What do you plan to tell the nurse when she shows up? Sorry to bother you, but I’m being annoyed by my dead friend, and I wondered if you could ask him to leave?” Will snorted. “You could kiss going home in the morning good-bye. I doubt you really want to stay here any longer than you have to, and I’m sure you don’t want to get locked up in the nut ward.”
Jack withdrew his hand from the button. He looked at Will, who seemed content to wait for Jack to come to some kind of decision.
“So am I dead?” Jack asked, really wanting to know.
Will’s smile returned. “Why would you think you’re dead? I mean besides the fact that you’re in a hospital after an accident, talking to your friend who died thirteen years ago?” Will paused for effect before continuing the conversation. “You’re not dead, Jack. And before you ask, you’re not hallucinating either.”
“Then what am I?”
“A little lost.”
Old Blood’s Fate is available in Hardcover, Softcover, and, ebook
Ooh, great tease. It gives just enough to make me want to know more, and not enough to give away the book.