Sky-Tinted Waters ToC #15 – A Veiled Affair by Leanna Timanus

My first really clear memory of Leanna is from the MinnSpec Publication Potluck Party this past year. I mean, I’m sure we’ve spoken before. I know she’s been to other MinnSpec functions and she takes part in the message board, but memory being the foggy thing it is… Anyway, she read from her work at the party, obviously nervous, but her story was so lovely to hear that I was left wishing for more stories by Leanna.

I picked “A Veiled Affair” because I loved the atmospheric noir style of the piece and the unique and clever world building. The plot is well-constructed and the story a pleasure to read, and Timanus hits all the right notes for fantastical noir/pulp

“A Veiled Affair” originally appeared in Big Pulp in September 2010.

Sky-Tinted Waters is available from Sam’s Dot Publishing.