Sky-Tinted Waters ToC #14 – Off the Shelf by Gaea Dill-D’Ascoli

Gaea Dill-D’Ascoli is a force of nature. No, seriously, sit down and talk with her sometime. She’s energetic, funny, and driven to find adventure. She’s also caring and determined to make a difference in the world. Well, talk with her whenever she comes back to the states. Or go find her oversees, if you’re adventurous enough.

“Off the Shelf” is so short and tightly written that I don’t want to accidentally spill anything for you, but I was moved emotionally by the end of the story and was forced to examine where we as humans might be going as a species.

“Off the Shelf” originally appeared at on July 7th, 2011

Sky-Tinted Waters is available from Sam’s Dot Publishing.