
Ranging from short slice-of-life moments to encounters in the wilderness, to speculative futures, Michael Merriam’s 26 poems run the gamut of human emotions in this exciting new collection.

A Winter Night is available in print from Amazon.

1117 North Indiana: Alaska Quarterly Review. September 1992.

168 Words: A Winter Night. January 2017.

A Myriad of Faiths: Honorable Mention. Mississippi Valley Poetry Competition. September 1992.

A Walk to Work: A Winter Night. January 2017.

Anarchy: All My Tomorrows. Quill Books. February 1993.

Bang Bang, Apple Pie: Down in the Dirt #186. August 2021.

Beware the Dreaded Thesaurus: Down Peaceful Paths Anthology. Quill Books. October, 1990.

Breakfast View: A Winter Night. January 2017.

Cindy: The Shantytown Anomaly #4.

Come Outside: in Journeys – Volume II. Prairie Dog Press. August 1992.

County Road 12: A Winter Night. January 2017.

Dust: Truths and Fiction. April 2017.

I Took the Tear: Illumen. April 2007.

In the Void: The Shantytown Anomaly. August 2006.

The Kitten and the Snake: A Winter Night. January 2017.

Literal Lives: A Winter Night. January 2017.

October Night: Listen with Your Heart. Quill Books. February 1992.

Past: A Winter Night. January 2017.

The Problem Was: Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #36.

The Rabbit: Oklahoma School Feature. April 1975.

Resist: Truths and Fictions. July 2017.

Sixth Son: Gryphonwood Magazine. April 2008.

Susan Responds: Illumen. Autumn 2009.

T.V. Land: Midnight Serenade. June 1991.

Taking in Nature’s Delight, We Find Peace: A Winter Night. January 2017.

War Horse: Carnival Night. February 1992.

Where the Leftovers Go: Beyond Centauri. January 2007.

Winter Night: Truth and Fictions. January 2005.